WTC Tower 1 Artifact

Bridgewater Emery School District hosted their Annual Veteran's Day Program on Thursday, November 9, 2023. The Elementary school had their program at 10:00 am and the Middle School/High School  had their program at 2:00 pm. Both programs were a chance to recognize active duty and veteran military personnel with ties to the community. 

Thank you to all that have served or that are currently serving our country. Your bravery and courage are appreciated by us all. 

At the elementary school, we currently have a steel artifact recovered from the World Trade Center on 9/11. This piece was recovered at Ground Zero and is from Tower 1. We proudly display this piece, along with the Freedom Flag, so that we never forget the importance of our military and the sacrifices that have been made to keep our country safe. 

May we never forget.