FCCLA Valentine

FCCLA is now taking orders for Valentine’s Day. We will be selling cans of orange pop, white almond bark covered puffcorn, and carnation flowers. Order forms for the middle and high school can be picked up on the trophy case across the hall from the FCS Room. Elementary students will be bringing printed copies home from school. If anyone would like to place an order, please fill out the attached forms and return to Frankie Nelson.

Crush Order Form

Puffcorn Order Form

Carnation Order Form

All orders and money will be due on February 6th to Mrs. Nelson at the Emery site or Krista Kayser at the Bridgewater site. Orders will be delivered on Wednesday, February 14th. If you have any questions or would like to place an order, please email Frankie Nelson at Frankie.Nelson@k12.sd.us. Thank you!