A list of the weekly activities for Read Across America Week

We are excited to celebrate Read Across America Week with a variety of engaging activities for students to participate in.

Everyday students will see the Masked Reader.  A mystery activity where students guess who the masked reader is as they share their favorite stories.  The Masked Reader will be revealed at the end of each day.

Monday, March 4th: Members of Student Council will bring treats to the classroom and read a book for our PreK-2nd grade. 3rd-5th grade will have a reading activity and treat with their class.

Tuesday, March 5th: Books & Boogie! A fun activity combining reading busting a move. 

Wednesday, March 6th: DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) time. Students will have dedicated time to immerse themselves in the joy of reading. It's also Read My Shirt Day. Students are encouraged to wear a shirt with words on it to celebrate the love of reading.

Thursday, March 7th: A cozy day where students can wear their pajamas to school as we embrace the comfort of reading. NO blankets or pillows please.