pulled pork

After Prom is having a pulled pork sandwich fundraiser on Friday, January 3rd during the Bon Homme double header. We plan to start serving at 5pm until the food is gone. We are asking parents of 9-12 graders donate items in the link below. Please sign up next the items you can donate. I have also attached a printout for those who cannot open the link. We are looking to have all of the items donated so the money raised at the event is pure profit to towards gifts, food, entertainment and other after prom expenses. The pulled pork is being ordered off the school lunch truck, so instead of donating meat, it would be a cash donation of $46.07 per 10 lbs. The rest of the items can go to me in advance or directly to the Emery gym at 4pm on the day of the event. 

I will be coming out with a flyer to specify these details:

After Prom Fundraiser - Pulled Pork Sandwich Meal during the Bon Homme doubleheader on Thursday, December 19:

$8.00 Meal - 2 Sandwiches, Chips, Bar or Cookie, Water

$6.00 Meal - 1 Sandwich, Chips, Bar or Cookie, Water

Ala Carte Items - $3.00 Pulled Pork Sandwich

$1.00 Chips

$1.00 Bar or Cookie

$1.00 Water

Please contact Paula Dockendorf if you have questions - 605-201-3983 or pauladockendorf@yahoo.com